Yippee! It’s TODAY, my favourite day!! “What, why?!” I hear you ask.
It’s a double header today- 2 favourites in one day!!!
I have a client concluding their coaching journey today. After 3 months of working alongside a client, we have become collaborators. As the coach, it has been my duty over the months to be mindful of our objectives and keep my client on track. Even so, the client’s level of success is directly proportional to their level of commitment & integrity; they do the big work! What I love is the look of triumph and sense of achievement when we measure their level of success and they realise that they have created what seemed almost unattainable 12 weeks before, their ideal life!
Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start
I also have a new client starting a coaching cycle today. I love the beginning of a new cycle with a client. The first meeting of the cycle is dedicated to choosing and clarifying committed outcomes for the time we will be working together (in this case 3 months). The process of distilling one’s thoughts into a set of cohesive objectives has the power to energise and inspire and is exactly what kick-starts the client’s transformation. I have the awesome privilege of witnessing the client’s dawning realisation that they are heard and understood and things are already changing for the better, that it is possible!
Beginnings are endings and endings are beginnings…
For my new client, the beginning of a coaching cycle is also an ending. It is the end of a life lived below par until today. The first session marks the end of the old self, old mindsets, old patterns and old life, there is no going back. For my outgoing client, the end of their coaching cycle is also the beginning of living their best life, fully empowered to achieve the greatness they have chosen and created for themselves.
What ending are you not allowing that is also a beautiful beginning?
Much Love,
Wait, don’t go…I have something else to tell you….
If you are stuck in a daydream, wishing for independence, control over your destiny, an abundance of time and money and just can’t get yourself to step into the abyss, I can help! I have done it; I have walked the path and succeeded. Moreover, I have taken my clients there too!
This is YOUR time! You CAN create the life you desire. Don’t wait! Get hold of me today and let’s work together to create your dream of working less, earning more and having time for the things you love!
Each of us passes through this life but once. If you were to meet the 80-year-old you today, how would they feel about the life you gave them? Time is ticking….Contact me today!