I didn’t grow up financially well off.
My parents both came from a working-class background, and both of them worked jobs to take care of us. We lived in ordinary houses, attended state schools. We had an annual holiday, always a camping trip; I was in my thirties when I first spent a night in a hotel! We never wanted for anything; we always had enough to eat, enough clothes and our schooling was good enough.
There was no extra money for luxuries though; if we wanted fancy shoes or money for a movie, we had to make it ourselves. My brother & I had a weekend and holiday jobs from the age of 14. O, the rush of having earned money and the sense of independence it provided! Thanks to student loans, both of us were about to attend university and obtain degrees.
In my early adult years, life felt difficult.
Not just financially, in my relationships too. By my early 30s, I was a single mother working 14 hour days. I earned good money, but the cost was high. My daughter was struggling at school and emotionally, I was stressed and my health reflected the imbalances in my life.
Something had to give.
And it did! Without warning, I lost my job at a time when I could least afford it (I had just signed for a 100% mortgage on a new home). My relationship life was in tatters; I struggled through one dysfunctional relationship after another. I was living in a city I hated, financially I was under massive pressure, my daughter needed me desperately, I was caught in a vicious war with her father, I had no job and I was alone & lonely. Emotionally, physically and mentally I felt broken!

This is my home now!
I share it with my fiancé with and our three children. Our relationship is deeply conscious, affirming and supportive. I work from home and earn money on my terms, in my time, helping other people to grow into the life of their dreams. I have not been ill for years; no more the persistent lung infections that dogged me.

My daughter is a young adult now and I was able to put her through a private school. I have been given a second chance to mother through my stepchildren. I live in an idyllic seaside village where every day feels like a holiday because I chose it to be so.
What caused the shift?
What I didn’t know when I started out in life, was that our subconscious mind, our internal operating system creates the results we have in our lives. My childhood conditioning created my first set of results as an adult and although I wanted more, I just couldn’t make it happen. To change the results, I had to change the operating system.
Convinced that there had to be a way, I invested a lot of time and money on a personal growth journey.
I bought self-help books, attended self-development courses, joined meditation groups, hired therapists and life coaches. Though they all contributed, I experienced massive shifts when I worked one-to-one with someone who was able to reflect back my unconscious conditioning and help me to reprogram myself. It took time and I was 40 before I saw the fruits of my growth journey.
It doesn’t have to take that long.
Today, I want to offer you a short-cut for that process. I want to give you the tools that will set you on the course of having the life you desire; financially, in your relationships, in your body and in your work, today.
I have taken all the wisdom and knowledge that I learned over my journey and packed it into a powerful coaching program, designed especially for that person who knows that the secret to having it all is internal growth. Every human being is entitled to the life they dream of and I have made it my mission to grow people so that they can have just that. Through trial and error, I have figured out the tools and I don’t want you to spend half of your life doing the hard yards that I did.
I want you to have it all as soon as possible.
If you know there is more for you; better relationships, the body you desire, mental and emotional peace, financial abundance then you have come to the right place. If you are willing to commit to a journey with me you can create your dream life, you CAN have it all!
I offer 4 free no-obligations 1-on-1 virtual Coffee with Coach meetings each month.
In our coffee meeting, we will work through the challenges you face and you will discover that it is possible to grow your business (or career) and have the family life you desire (which is why you got into business to start with isn’t it?). You will also realise that you don’t have to do it all yourself to be successful and take away some tips to implement right away.
By the end of our coffee chat, you will feel renewed, inspired and confident, ready to powerfully create the life of your choosing for you and your family.