Nov 24, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“To experience life through a filter of gratitude sets in motion an energy that brings into our lives the qualities of resilience, joy and wonder at the endless wonderful possibilities available for the choosing.” ~ Tania M Adams
Nov 24, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“The circumstances may not change, but the quality of our life changes irreversibly in the instant that we experience the gratitude.”~Tania M Adams
Nov 24, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“Gratitude self-propagates; it holds a magical ability to seed itself into more and more reasons to be grateful. Be warned however: the failure to plant the first seeds of gratitude is responsible for a crop of blighted dreams”~Tania M Adams
Nov 24, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“Choosing the path of gratitude may seem crAzy™ in the heat of the moment, but in the long run it is by far the easier, more scenic and most effective path to creating the future you desire!”~ Tania M Adams