Jun 5, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“I like to define it (a legacy) as “that part of ourselves we leave behind, the thing that makes the world a different place because we were in it.”~ Tania M Adams
Apr 26, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“Great companies actively create a culture of service excellence and delivery that draws an ever-increasing pool of new and repeat customers who love to do business with them today and in the future.”~Tania M Adams
Apr 21, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“An organisation’s culture is defined by its people, who they are and what they do. It is the result of the sum total of the actions and behaviours, attitudes, outlook, values, moods, and most importantly the habits; those things repetitively done or said without...
Apr 19, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“My crAzy™ challenge to you today, regardless of your position, is to commit to one new way of being or acting that will contribute to a culture of excellence within your organisation. Persevere with it for the next month until it becomes a habit and observe the new...