the only choice is to surrender

the only choice is to surrender

Have you ever wondered what it means to “surrender to love”? To surrender is a choice made from awareness.  It is a choice to go there even though the reality is that you could get hurt no matter how perfect you try to be.  That is the reality of any relationship even...
the power of coaching

the power of coaching

The power of coaching is such that it can move individuals from the inertia of their current (stuck) reality to a life of their dreams.  Intertia    Inertia is the tendency of an object in motion to remain in motion, or an object at rest to remain at rest unless acted...
feeling invisible

feeling invisible

“To feel invisible is an infinitely worse punishment than attracting even the most negative kinds of attention.” ~ Tania M Adams Do you feel invisible?  Learn how to make your mark on t”he world and leave a legacy with our course Have No Regrets, Embrace Purpose...