going it alone

“If we were supposed to do it all by ourselves we would have been sent to inhabit our own individual planets, just like the Little Prince on his star.”~ Tania M Adams


“The circumstances may not change, but the quality of our life changes irreversibly in the instant that we experience the gratitude.”~Tania M Adams

centred in self

“There is confusion between selfish & self-centred.  To be self-centred is to be, as the word describes, centred in the self; to be authentic, clear and conscious.” ~ Tania M Adams Quote taken from the post selfish vs self-centred. To read the original post...
just give up!

just give up!

Have you ever wondered if there is a time to just give up?  Persistence is a big buzz word these days; “keep at it, keep holding on, never give up!”  What terrible advice!  Life will not be forced into our way of doing things.  If you are not getting the results; give...