Jun 23, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“Staying in action in service of your goal keeps the energy flowing and ensures that you will find the right match for what you have to offer.” ~ Tania M Adams
Jun 3, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“When it is hard don’t give up; keep moving, one step at a time and you cannot fail to reach your goal.” ~ Tania M Adams
May 30, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“At that moment, giving up is death, death to the soul. A mountain climber knows that the only way to stay alive is to keep moving, and the same is true in life. To keep our souls alive, we have to keep moving in the direction of our goal.” ~ Tania M...
Jan 20, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“Refuse to allow circumstance to dictate your level of integrity to your commitment. The power of commitment always outweighs circumstantial obstacles to the achievement of a committed goal.”~Tania M Adams