Mar 28, 2012 | Have You Ever Wondered
The Kowie River; this is one of the views I am treated to daily. It flows out into the sea through the pier in Port Alfred. I have become familiar with the rhythms of the river, the tidal changes, its moods, the animals and birds that inhabit its waters and banks at...
Mar 28, 2012 | Get To Know Coach T
I am terribly impatient! The closer things get the more I want to rush them along. I just get so excited! When I was a child my parents learned very quickly not to tell me in advance of anything special that was coming up, because I would wind myself up like a...
Jul 3, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“We can choose the legacy that we will bequeath to the world and start working on it today!” ~ Tania M Adams
Jun 15, 2011 | Inspirational Quotes
“Choose a legacy that is bigger than you, something you may not achieve fully in your life time.” ~ Tania M Adams Quote taken from the course “Have No Regrets, Embrace Purpose by Building a Life Legacy”. You too can learn how to discover your authentic...